Re: Celibidache - Videos and Protocols of Phenomenology Courses

Dan Dickstein (DDickstein at
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:53:52 -0400

There is a list of Celibidache video productions at the Celi Web site at .

Most listings are with the MPO. I don't know how complete the list is.

vrbauer at wrote:

> Göôtingen, 21/06/99
> Two questions please:
> 1. Who has a complete list of all video productions of Maestro
> Sergiu Celibidache or can give me exact informations about videos in
> Sweden, Spain, Italy, Japan ... and how to get them (only for private
> use)? - I think that I am nearly complete with the videos available
> in Germany.
> 2. Who knows how to get protocols and notices concerning former
> phenomenology courses? - I only participated in the course of January
> 1994.
> Thank you in advance for your answer.
> Gertie Bauer
> Rodeweg 24 / II
> D-37081 Göôtingen
> Tel. + Fax: +49/551/97377
> e-mail: vrbauer at