Re: Brahms Symphonies CD

Akira Tagata (akira at
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:40:51 +0900

I asked for any other information of this Brahms CD release
to the celi-j list. And the same member has reported again
that he recently got the news which had come from Japan
Polygram (DG) for a CD dealer of his friend. He also said
this release was decided only in Japan like the Bruckner
release from EMI.

At 15:59 98/10/24 GMT, you wrote:
>>One of the member has reported to celi-j mailing list
>>about the Brahms symphonis CD.
>> - three CD set with a bonus CD
>> - first released Dec.24 from DG in Japan
>> - the price 6,883 yen
>> - symphony 1 / 21 Oct. 1976
>> - symphony 2 / 11 Apr. 1975
>> - symphony 3 / 19 Nov. 1976
>> - symphony 4 / 23 Mar. 1975
>> - bonus: Symphony 4 rehearsal
>> - Radio Symphoy Orchestra Stuttgart
>I thought the DG edition had been cancelled because Celi's son
>objected to DG announcing the edition without consulting him. Does
>this mean they've resolved their disagreement? If so, hopefully this
>will be just the first of a number of Celi issues from DG.
>Does anyone know the catalog number yet?
>Bruce Morrison (bruce.morrison at

  Akira Tagata <akira at>, <tagata at> Tokyo